Meaning of (विनिः सरण) viniः sarana in english

As noun : poke
come out get Ex:  be the worst of someone, be the person to whom it is aimed for something that ie, when it has not found another person whom he could get it come off emerge Ex:  By extension, GAZ said of Flatulence that emerge in intestines food fermentation come away pile out want out dawn start Ex:  By the start of February turn out to be be on way issue from shoot release Ex:  In doing so they release energy. carry Ex:  Ship, merchantman, ship, building That Is Intended only carry goods fall Ex:  The historical views of this battle fall into three great phases rise Ex:  1935 and the rise of socialist Congress leaders such as Jayaprakash Narayan make a move draw Ex:  There ' is hardly in use in the popular expression: Pickpocketing, Vol which is to draw objects that steals pockets pass Ex:  Mark out a pass sally out Ex:  You should X Tom out . let Ex:  Do not do anything that you do from me, that I have given you, you will have received from me, what I did let you know something new about the case in question come Ex:  A number of famous individuals come from New Hampshire exit Ex:  The entry and exit of goods
As verb : emanate send Ex:  "From here one might send arise Ex:  of Botanical assembly of flowers or fruit stalks which arise from different points of the stem and rise all roughly the same height pull out get away work out get out Ex:  Defense against merchant ships are in port or a harbor to get out without permission put out come up radiate bring out go out Ex:  You go out by the weather? It is used to mark impersonally same nature, condition, available qualities of some things
Suggested : to receive or come to have possession , use, or enjoyment of to cause, permit, or enable to go to flow out, issue, or proceed, as from a source or origin come forth originate Synonyms to approach or move toward a particular person or place to prod or push, especially with something narrow or pointed, as a finger, elbow, stick, etc
Exampleविनिः सरण का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(विनिः सरण) viniः sarana can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : viniः saraNa

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